Sketti Heaven... or not quite. So I decided to make spaghetti for some friends that were coming over by very last minute invitation. Hubby wanted to order in, but of course I had to make things difficult and decide to cook. Not only that, but I decided to try these new gourmet chicken sausages for the meat instead of burger or regular sausage. Well here's the deal...The sausages are precooked, and are intended to be heat-and-serve. So simmering for 20+ minutes in spaghetti sauce turns them to rubber. They are also really delicately flavored (tomato pesto and mozzarella) which is a great combo, but in the sauce lost all flavor and tomato-ish texture. They were just little round rubber discs. Below are the pictures when they still looked appetizing.
On to dessert. I made homemade cinnamon meltaway muffins, which the hubby really enjoyed. I thought they were okay, but very crumbly with entirely too much sugar on them for my tastes. The top photo is what they looked like prior to sugar-izing. Overall, dinner was not a big success. I'm quite a good cook, but need to follow the most important feeding "new stuff" to guests until the hubby and I try it first. Bleck!