Thursday, August 17, 2006

Holy Updates Batman!

So yesterday the baby rolled over for the first time ever! We left him on his belly on the living room floor, so Matt could come take a picture of my garlic monkey bread (photos to follow), and when he went back to the living room, the baby was laying on his back with a VERY stunned look on his face. I tried desperately to catch him rolling with the video feature on my digital camera, but the little stinker wouldn't perform for me.

Above: Thomas being cute.
Below: The pre-rolling pose.

Last night, I had the hankering for mac and cheese, but with a twist. I started cutting up some very ripe tomatoes and I mixed them with some diced onion, garlic, oregano and salt. The tomato mixture was FABULOUS, and I couldn't compromise its light summery-flavor by throwing it in a baking dish with cheese. I reserved some rigatoni, and tossed it with the tomato mixture. Yum! I am definitely going to try this with smaller noodles, some feta and basil and chill for a new pasta salad recipe. *doing a happy dance* I love it when a new recipe comes together...

I also got creative with the bread machine, and decided to make cheesy garlic monkey bread. I made the dough in the bread machine, then chopped it up and rolled it in a mixture of garlic, cheese and rosemary. I'm not a big rosemary fan, and this recipe felt like it was floating in little green twigs. I followed the recipe anyway, to be sure I didn't screw anything up. Well, the rosemary was a bit much. I ended up trying to scrape it off the bread, but there was just too much! I am going to try this recipe again tonight, but with cinnamon and brown sugar instead of garlic and cheese. *fingers crossed*

Above: Tomato Garlic Pasta Goodness
Below: Cheesy Garlic Monkey Bread

Yay! I am so proud of your little man! Give him a big hug and kiss from me! And your pasta sounds great! Talk to you soon, friend! I miss you! Patti
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