Sunday, August 06, 2006

Ack! Can I explain how happy I am about the dreamy blog that my friend Jess (over at created for me? I am so much like the little robot, it's scary. Although my words may not convey it, I am SO excited to be blogging on such a cool little corner of the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jess!!

Other big news...I have decided to start my own errand-running business, and am meeting with an accountant next week to find out what needs to take place. This is a great step for me, as I am able to contribute to the family, but still keep my son. I had finally given in to the idea of daycare, but the truth is that I can't do it. I don't want some stranger watching my son. And so, this idea how put a little spring in my step, and it's looking like I already have a potential client that will be filling 20 hours a week. Yippee!! In the spirit of the munchkin, I thought I'd also post a more recent photo, as his cuteness never seems to amaze me. *laughing* Proud mommy? Nah, not me... ;)

Such a Cutie...are those momma's eyes :)
*laughing* It's the only part of him that resembles me! ;)
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